The cast of the hit television show "Friends" has recently reacted to the rumors surrounding the death of Matthew Perry. In response to the false reports spreading on social media, the actors from the popular sitcom have come forward to express their support for their co-star and clarify that he is alive and well.
Matthew Perry, who played the beloved character of Chandler Bing on the show, became the target of a death hoax that quickly gained attention online. The news of his alleged death spread rapidly on various social media platforms. However, the rumors were soon put to rest as Perry's former colleagues and friends stepped in to debunk the false claims.
Jennifer Aniston, who portrayed the character of Rachel Green on "Friends," expressed her disbelief and outrage at the hoax, stating that it is "heartbreaking and cruel" to spread false information about someone's death. She reassured fans that Perry is alive, and urged everyone to be cautious of the information they consume and share online.
Courteney Cox, known for her role as Monica Geller, also shared her support for Perry, urging people to stop spreading the false death rumors. Cox emphasized the importance of verifying facts before believing or sharing information, especially when it comes to such sensitive matters.
Lisa Kudrow, who played the quirky character of Phoebe Buffay, took to social media to address the speculation surrounding Perry's alleged death. She expressed her relief that the news was false and extended her love to Perry, along with a humorous comment that showcased their close friendship. Kudrow's post received an outpouring of support from fans who were glad to hear that their beloved star was still alive.
Similarly, Matt LeBlanc, who portrayed the lovable Joey Tribbiani, took a moment to set the record straight and assure everyone that Perry is very much alive. He urged people to refrain from spreading false information, as it can cause unnecessary panic and distress among fans.
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