Tom Holland, the popular actor known for his portrayal of Spider-Man, recently shared a heartwarming story about how Zendaya saved his life on the set of their upcoming movie "The Crowded Room." During the shooting of a challenging scene, Holland found himself feeling anxious and overwhelmed. However, Zendaya, who had become a close friend, came to his rescue and provided him with the support he needed to get through it.
Holland explained that the scene required him to tap into some deep emotions, which caused him to feel incredibly overwhelmed and on the verge of a panic attack. Recognizing his distress, Zendaya stepped in and offered her assistance. She sat with him and talked him through the scene, helping him regain his composure. Her presence and comforting words had a tremendous impact on him, and he credits her with saving his life in that moment.
The bond between the two actors has grown significantly since they first started working together on the Spider-Man movies. They have developed a strong friendship and have been there for each other during challenging times. Holland expressed his gratitude towards Zendaya for always looking out for him and being so supportive.
As they continue to work on "The Crowded Room," Holland and Zendaya's relationship appears to be solidifying even further. Their shared experience on set has only strengthened the bond between them, and they continue to support each other in numerous ways. Overall, this heartwarming story emphasizes the importance of friendship and support in the world of show business.
代表者: 土屋千冬