Marvel Studios' new show WandaVision is a tribute to classic TV sitcoms and has caught the attention of viewers for its resemblance of a character to David Schwimmer from Friends. The show's first two episodes debuted on Disney+ and introduced a monochrome world where Scarlet Witch and Vision attempt to hide their superhuman secrets in a suburban town.
One of the town residents named Phil Jones, played by actor David Lengel, bears a striking resemblance to Schwimmer, causing speculation among viewers. Lengel, known for his recurring roles in sitcoms, including Superstore and Grace and Frankie, explained in a podcast that his distinctive mustache has become a defining feature and has helped him secure acting work. While it remains uncertain if the resemblance to Schwimmer was intentional, it is clear that the character will fit well into WandaVision's future episodes set in the '90s sitcom era.
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