In this article from Days of our Lives, the character Chad is shown to be self-pitying and melodramatic. Johnny asks Chad to be his best man when he marries Chanel on Valentine's Day, prompting Chad to launch into a speech about how anyone who marries into the DiMera clan is doomed. Chad believes that Abigail's death and Nicole's loss of her newborn son are proof of this curse. However, the article argues that tragedies are not exclusive to the DiMeras. Other characters in the show, such as Maggie, Sarah, and Justin, have also experienced loss and grief. The article suggests that Chad's belief that only members of the DiMera family suffer tragedies is self-centered and overlooks the pain experienced by others. The article concludes by stating that Chad's attitude reflects poorly on his character. Days of our Lives airs on Peacock+ in the U.S. and The W Network or Global TV App in Canada.
代表者: 土屋千冬