Kevin Hart's ex-wife, Torrei Hart, is set to embark on a comedy tour with Katt Williams, which has elicited a response from comedian Mike Epps. Epps took to social media to express his opinion on the matter, claiming that both Williams and Hart are no longer relevant in the comedy industry. He also questioned Torrei's decision to team up with Williams, suggesting that it may overshadow her own talent.
Epps further criticized Williams and Hart, stating that they both rely on their previous connections to stay relevant instead of evolving as comedians. He also highlighted the success of rising stars such as Godfrey, who has been making waves with his Steve Harvey impression.
The article emphasizes the tension and competition within the comedy industry, with established comedians feeling threatened by emerging talents. While Epps may have voiced his opinion in a confrontational manner, it reflects the fear of being overshadowed by up-and-coming comedians who may be more in tune with modern audiences.
In summary, the article highlights the upcoming comedy tour featuring Torrei Hart and Katt Williams, which has provoked a response from Mike Epps. Epps criticized both Williams and Hart, suggesting that they rely on past successes rather than evolving as comedians. The article also emphasizes the competitive nature of the comedy industry and the fear felt by established comedians when faced with rising stars such as Godfrey, who have gained popularity through their unique acts.
代表者: 土屋千冬