Recipes For Homemade Kitten Formula • Kitten Rescue

The pet store is closed, and you have hungry kittens that need formula. Never fear! Here are some kitten formula recipes you can make using ingredients available at most grocery stores.

It is not unusual for kittens to have some difficulties digesting cow’s milk based formulas. The first formula on our list, which is based on goat’s milk, may be used instead of store-bought milk replacement formulas (such as KMR, Breeders’ Edge or Just Born) up until weaning. We do not recommend using the other formulas for long-term bottle feeding, but they can be useful should you need to feed your kittens and can’t find the ingredients for the homemade goat’s milk formula.

The Cornell Book of Cats says that human baby formula can be used if made up to double the normal strength, although human baby formula is normally not nutritious enough for kittens.

Homemade Formula #1

1 quart whole goat’s milk

1 teaspoon light Karo syrup

1 tablespoon nonfat plain yogurt (goat’s milk preferred)

1 egg yolk

Knox unflavored gelatin:

Newborn to 1 week — 1 pkg of Knox

2nd week — 1 1/2 – 2 pkgs of Knox

3rd week — 2 1/2 – 3 pkgs of Knox

4th week — 4 pkgs of Knox

Put goat’s milk in saucepan, add gelatin in the amount above depending on the kitten’s age. Heat goat’s milk/gelatin mixture just until gelatin is dissolved. Remove from heat. Mix in remaining ingredients and refrigerate. It will keep up to one week. Heat until the formula is nearly warm, check the temperature, then test a few drops of milk on your wrist first. It should feel just a little warm or even cool, not too warm or hot. It is not recommended to use a microwave. Once it passes the skin temperature test, you are ready to feed kittens.

Homemade Formula #2 (for emergencies)

8 ounces homogenized whole milk

2 egg yolks

1 teaspoon salad oil

1 drop liquid pediatric vitamins (optional)

Mix well and warm before using. Keep refrigerated.

Emergency Formula #3 (for emergencies)

1 part boiled water to 5 parts evaporated milk

1/2 teaspoon bone meal per 16 oz fluid

Mix well and warm before using. Keep refrigerated.

Emergency Formula #4 (for emergencies)

1 can evaporated milk

1 egg yolk

2 tablespoons Karo syrup

1 drop liquid pediatric vitamins (optional)

Mix all three well and kept in tightly sealed jar in the fridge. At feeding time mix 1/2 of the estimated feeding amount with an equal amount of boiling water. (Once a day, mix 1 drop of human infant liquid vitamins in each kitties formula.) Always test temperature on your wrist before feeding. The combination temperature of the boiling water and chilled formula should be just about right.

If constipation occurs: add 1 drop of vegetable oil to each kitties formula no more than once daily until the problem is eased.

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