Jaden Christopher Syre Smith, the 10-year-old actor, displayed his talent on the red carpet at the premiere of The Day the Earth Stood Still. While Jaden is not new to such events, as he often accompanies his parents Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, this particular premiere put him in the spotlight. Jaden's exposure to the film industry through his famous parents has influenced his acting skills and provided him with confidence in portraying his roles. He states, "You have to stay true to your character and be present in the moment."
In The Day the Earth Stood Still, Jaden takes on the role of Jacob, a character who is characterized by his constant sadness. Jaden made sure to stay faithful to the character, even though he is not particularly nice. Despite the challenges of the role, Jaden thoroughly enjoyed his time on set, including the emotional scenes. He remarks, "It was actually really fun on the set, and it was even fun during the emotional scenes because I was completely immersed in the moment."
Aside from his acting career, Jaden mentions that he and his family enjoy watching movies together at home. Another interest of his is math, which he claims to be proficient in.
Jaden's parents, Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, also have a daughter named Willow Camille Reign who is eight years old. In addition, Will has a son named Trey from a previous relationship. The Day the Earth Stood Still will be released nationwide on Friday.
Source: PEOPLE
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