The movie follows the life of Lars, a socially awkward and introverted young man, portrayed by Ryan Gosling. Lars lives in a small town and struggles to form meaningful relationships with others. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he introduces his family and friends to his new girlfriend, a life-sized sex doll named Bianca.
As the story progresses, Lars' family and friends become concerned for his mental well-being and seek help from a psychiatrist. The trailer depicts the community coming together to support Lars and accept Bianca as part of their lives, emphasizing the heartwarming and compassionate aspects of the film.
The trailer ends with a glimpse of Lars' personal growth and his growing connection to a woman named Margo, portrayed by Kelli Garner. The movie promises to explore themes of love, acceptance, and the importance of human connection.
Overall, the trailer for "Lars and the Real Girl" showcases the unique and unconventional storyline of a socially awkward man forming a deep connection with a sex doll, while also highlighting the underlying themes of love, acceptance, and personal growth.
代表者: 土屋千冬