A video of a mischievous and chaotic kitten named Loki has taken Instagram by storm. The clip, posted by Chris Corsini (@chriscorsini) on February 8, has amassed 1.3 million views. In the video, Loki, a six-month-old Devon Rex, is seen playfully sitting on top of a man's head and causing mayhem. Known for their mischievous and active nature, Devon Rex cats are described as powerful jumpers who like to explore and be involved in everything. The viral clip showcases Loki climbing and hanging from a lampshade, much to the man's surprise and laughter. Instagram users were entertained by Loki's antics, with many commenting on how the name Loki suits the kitten perfectly. Send your adorable pet videos and pictures to [email protected] for a chance to be featured in our Pet of the Week lineup.
代表者: 土屋千冬