Get ready to witness a heartwarming moment as a dog steps in to comfort a litter of puppies, even though she's not their biological mother. The emotional scene, shared on Instagram by @theyounghomestead, has gone viral with 1.9 million views. The video shows an Australian shepherd cuddling with the adorable puppies, soothing them until their real mom, Ava the Bernese Mountain Dog, returns. Despite some comments pointing out that the dog, Mia, looks uncomfortable, she still fulfills her role as a furry godmother with great care. It is not uncommon for female dogs to take in a litter that is not their own, providing crucial care and support in times of need. If you have cute and amusing videos or photos of your pets, send them to [email protected] for a chance to be featured in our Pet of the Week segment.
代表者: 土屋千冬