9 Reasons You Should Date Someone With A Dachshund

1. You know he or she is easygoing

Dogs are messy, destructive, impulsive, furry, lovable monsters, and it takes a certain level of flexibility to be able to put up with one. When you date someone who has a Dachshund, you know that he or she is able to go with the flow and not freak out when something unexpected happens, or when he or she can't be in absolute control.

2. Dachshund owners are active

Your potential S.O. might not be a fan of 15-mile hikes, but s/he will probably be someone who likes walking, playing, and being outside.

3. They are cuddlers

Dogs love to snuggle and to be snuggled, and most people who have dogs are going to be into that kind of physical affection. So if you're someone who revels in a really good hug, find thee a Dachshund owner.

4. Patience is everything

Having a Dachshund – a raising a puppy particularly – is an exercise in patience. If you're on a date with someone who managed to make it through a puppy's house training and teething, you know that person has a solid well of patience at hand.

5. A dachshund -owner is not afraid of commitment

Dogs live for a long time – sometimes upwards of 15 years. If someone has a dog, you know that that person is not afraid to commit to a long-term relationship (even if that LTR is with a canine).

6. People with dachshunds are fun!

Yes, there is a lot of patience and commitment involved in dog ownership, but there's also a lot of fun. Dogs love to play and be silly, and you can bet that if your date is a dog-lover, he or she likes to play and be silly, too.

7.Dachshund owners are social

Dogs are social creatures, and their owners tend to be social, too. For example, psychologist Sam Gosling and grad student Carson Sandy at the University of Texas surveyed over 4,500 people in order to compare the personalities of self-described "dog people" and "cat people." The survey showed that "dog people were generally about 15 percent more extroverted and 13 percent more agreeable" than cat people.

8. They are generally happier and healthier

A 2011 study by psychologists from Miami University and Saint Louis University investigated how pet ownership affects people's lives; According to Psychology Today, one part of the study showed that "pet owners exhibited greater self-esteem, were more physically fit, were less lonely, were more conscientious, were more socially outgoing, and had healthier relationship styles (i.e., they were less fearful and less preoccupied) than non-owners." So pretty much pet owners are AWESOME.

9.Dachshund-owners are hot

Everyone looks hotter with a dog. This is simply an undeniable fact.

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