Bradley Cooper and Gigi Hadid are reportedly becoming closer, according to an inside source. The actor and the model were seen attending a private dinner together after the Golden Globes on Sunday. Cooper, who is 49 years old, brought his mother Gloria as his date for the ceremony, and she also joined the couple for the evening out. Photos published by Page Six show the pair heading to the Giorgio Baldi restaurant for their outing.
A source disclosed to PEOPLE that they were in the company of a group of friends and had a great time. The source stated, "Bradley and Gigi looked happy together. While they weren't overly affectionate, it was still evident that they are dating. There were plenty of loving glances and flirtation between them." The insider added that Hadid, who is 28 years old, "chatted with" Cooper's mother throughout the night, signaling that they were getting to know each other better.
Cooper's latest film, Maestro, was nominated for several awards at the Golden Globes, including Best Motion Picture - Drama, as well as recognition for Cooper both as an actor and director.
Last month, another source revealed that things were progressing well in Cooper and Hadid's relationship. The insider said, "They are getting more and more serious. Gigi has been spending time in Philadelphia with Bradley too." The couple first sparked romance rumors after being spotted having dinner in New York City in October. However, the source clarified that their relationship had been going on privately for a longer period before becoming public, as they were trying to determine if they were compatible.
Cooper has a 6-year-old daughter named Lea De Seine with ex-partner Irina Shayk, while Hadid has a 3-year-old daughter named Khai with ex-boyfriend Zayn Malik.
代表者: 土屋千冬