Workers at an Ohio-based cat shelter began their day with a heartbreaking find: a feline left outside the shelter's front door in a brown box alongside a note. The cat, named Peanut, was surrendered by an unknown person who hoped the shelter could find her a new home. Thankfully, Peanut was discovered before she could escape. The shelter staff quickly welcomed Peanut in, comforting the scared kitten. Renamed Brady, the black cat will soon be available for adoption. The shelter encourages pet owners to seek help in a more appropriate manner rather than abandoning animals. Brady's story, shared on TikTok, garnered thousands of views and words of support from viewers. Despite the challenges faced by black cats in finding homes, Brady is on the path to a brighter future. Share your own pet stories with us at [email protected] for a chance to be featured as our Pet of the Week.
代表者: 土屋千冬