10-year-old Military Puppy Turns Into ‘BABY’ Again When He Reunites with Beloved Handler

Military dog reunions are some of the best stories in the world!

Some dogs serve our country by being part of the military forces. Most are assigned to detect explosives and protect the troop behind them, while others help in search and rescue operations.

Wherever they’re posted, K9 units are vital in military and police operations.

But where do they go when they retire?

The best possible answer is to live a “couch life” where they just sit back, relax, and have all the treats and cuddles. However, this isn’t always the case.

This is why facilitates the transporting and rehoming of retired military dogs to new adoptive parents. Though, it would always be best to reunite them with their former handler.

Their recent success story was bringing home Bady.

Bady is a 10-year-old military K-9 German Shepherd who served as a patrol and explosive detection dog. He was stationed at Kusan Air Base in South Korea and worked alongside his handler Technical Sergeant Adamma Bilal.

The two were inseparable back in Korea.

Sgt. Bilal was in charge of the kennel in Korea, but Bady was assigned to him. The loyal K-9 worked with the sergeant every day – a constant in his life.

The people around them would even call Bady “Sgt. Bilal’s dog” because there could never be one without the other. They were THAT close.

However, after two and a half years, Sgt. Bilal was reassigned and had to leave Bady behind.

He moved to Florida, while Bady had to stay in Korea because he was stationed there until he retired.

It was difficult news for them both, but as they constantly remind them in the military,

There wouldn’t have been a forever for these two, but everything changed six months after.

Military K-9 Bady retired from service and Sgt. Bilal was quick to adopt him.

With the help of Mission K9 Rescue, they transported Bady from South Korea to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, where the two buddies would meet before Sgt. Bilal would bring him home to Florida.

The reunion was heartwarming.

Once the plane landed, they brought Bady’s crate, and Sgt. Bilal couldn’t wait to set him free.

They snipped the cable ties one by one until the cage was fully opened. Sgt. Bilal opened his arms for his old buddy while Bady slowly peeked. But when he saw who it was, he instantly went out and gave a little shake.

The two were obviously very happy with this reunion.

Bady laid down for some belly rubs, and Sgt. Bilal was happy to comply. He was a happy dog and deserved everything good now that he’s retired. Asked what plans he had for Bady for his retirement, the sergeant while addressing the K-9:

“You can do whatever you want, my guy. Now just living the couch life, as we call it. Chilling out. No more work. No more anything. Just gets to go live on the beach with me.”

Watch the heartwarming reunion in the video below.

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