Adele Reveals the "Insanely" Annoying Habit of Rich Paul That Gets Under Her Skin

Grammy-winning singer Adele recently shared a habit of her boyfriend, Rich Paul, that drives her "insane." In a recent interview, Adele mentioned that she loves watching basketball games with her boyfriend, who happens to be a renowned sports agent. However, she revealed that Rich Paul has a habit of coaching the players from their living room, and it can be really frustrating for her.

Adele, known for her soulful music and powerful voice, is currently dating Rich Paul, the founder of Klutch Sports Group, a prominent sports agency. During the interview, she expressed her interest in basketball and how she enjoys watching games with her boyfriend. However, she disclosed that his habit of constantly yelling advice at the players from their home annoys her.

Despite her love for the sport, Adele admitted that she lacks the extensive knowledge of the game that Rich possesses. Therefore, she finds it irritating when he critiques the players' decisions and strategy from their living room. She jokingly mentioned how it drives her "insane" when Rich shouts instructions as if the players can hear him from the television.

While Adele finds her boyfriend's coaching habit frustrating, it's important to note that she appreciates and acknowledges Rich's deep passion for the sport. She understands that his career and expertise in sports have shaped him into the person he is today. Adele admires his dedication and commitment to the game, but sometimes his habit can be overwhelming for her.

Despite this minor annoyance, Adele and Rich seem to share a strong bond and have been dating since July 2021. They have been spotted together at various public events and even made their first official public appearance at the NBA Finals.

Adele's revelation about her boyfriend's coaching habit sheds light on the dynamics of their relationship. Like any couple, they have their share of quirks and annoyances. However, it's evident that their love for each other and shared interests, such as basketball, keep their relationship strong.

While Adele might not always appreciate Rich's coaching behavior, it's clear that she respects his passion and expertise in the field of sports. As they continue to navigate their relationship, it seems likely that they will find a balance between enjoying basketball together and preserving Adele's sanity during the games.

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