Elderly Canine's Journey: From Shelter to Supportive Family, Overcoming Mobility Challenges

The author and her husband decided to adopt a shelter dog and went to a shelter looking for an older lap dog. However, when they visited the shelter, all the dogs were barking except for one. This dog stood and watched them as they walked around looking at the other dogs. Despite being told that she was too big for them, the author couldn't help but remark on how beautiful she was. They then went out to the shelter's patio and asked to see a specific dog, but that dog showed no interest in them. On a whim, the author mentioned wanting to see the dog that had been watching them earlier, whose name was Quill. To their surprise, Quill immediately walked up to the author, laid her head in her lap, and the author fell in love. They decided to adopt Quill, a 7-year-old Doberman, even though she wasn't a lap dog. They had Quill for 3.5 years and she became a beloved member of their family.

During their time together, Quill developed a tear in her leg. They took her to an ortho doctor who said nothing could be done and advised them to walk her every day. The author's husband diligently walked Quill and built her a ramp for the car when she couldn't hop in anymore. He also built her a step to help her get on the couch when it became difficult for her. Quill was described as beautiful both inside and out, and the author and her husband cherished every moment they had with her. When Quill stopped eating, they knew it was her way of telling them it was too painful for her to continue. They let her go with broken hearts but understanding her decision.

Overall, the author's story highlights the love and bond they shared with Quill and how they cherished every moment of their time together, even though it was too short. Quill's story serves as a reminder of the impact shelter dogs can have on people's lives and the importance of giving them a second chance.

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