Wow!!! Officer Adopts 'Sparky' the Kitten After Rescue from Electrical Pole

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A tabby kitten later named Sparky clung to a utility pole in San Carlos Park, Florida. Sparky certainly earned his name, rescued after being just inches from dangerous electrical wires! This kitten was incredibly lucky because multiple rescuers came to the scene. First, Officer Sue Byler responded to a call about the kitten in distress.

Then, according to, the power company cut the power to the pole, which is pretty uncommon when it comes to  The Fire Department was also on the scene. So many came to the rescue, which is truly remarkable. 

Florida Power and Light then tried to get Sparky into their lift basket but to no avail. According to Lee County Domestic Animal Services (LCDAS), the frightened kitten and fell into a fenced yard.  

Officer Byler Catches Sparky

That’s when Officer Byler rescued the kitten, and he earned his cute name.

“Great teamwork went into today’s rescue of a kitten now named Sparky. Officer Sue Byler responded to a call about a kitten on a power pole. LCSO, FPL, and the Fire Department were all on scene. Power was cut, and FPL attempted to get him to jump in their basket, and he ran further up the pole and fell into a fenced-in back yard,” the LCDAS shared.“Officer Byler was able to safely capture him, and he now has a cute name to go with his adventure!”

Officer Byler Adopted Sparky!

LCDAS shared happy news, the officer who rescued Sparky adopted him! So the future looks bright for the cat thanks to all those who came together to save him.

“Happy update on our now infamous ‘utility pole’ cat Sparky. He has been adopted! Here he is with his rescuer Officer Sue Byler and with his new Dad,” they shared.

And, here’s Sparky’s new cat dad!

What to Do About Cats on Utility Poles?

This is a rare case where multiple groups came together to rescue a kitten, and we must say “great job!” to them. We also shared a similar rescue by the  to help a kitten stuck in a tree for three days. 

It’s great how these Florida rescuers stepped up to help these kitties! But, if you should encounter a kitten or cat on a utility pole, getting near such high-voltage wires can be extremely dangerous. Sometimes, local utilities will not help, and people will try to attempt it themself, but we would not recommend it. If you’re not getting help, try reaching out to local rescue groups for suggestions of professionals they have contacted in such situations. 

In many cases, the cat will come back down eventually but it’s definitely an exasperating situation for all without an easy solution.

Sometimes, there are local rescuers  in making treetop rescues. The  allows you to search locally. However, cats on telephone and utility poles are quite different and they may refer you to another rescuer. 

Below you can see what happened in El Paso, Texas, recently after Good Samaritans decided to rescue a cat stuck on a utility pole for five days. Fortunately, they managed to safely rescue the kitty without incident. As with a kite, the electricity could travel down a string, as the famous story of goes. So don’t try this at home, and remember that can also be conduits for dangerous electricity.

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