Shopping Day Transformed Into Rescue Mission

Yesterday I went for some shopping but my shopping day was transformed into a rescue mission. A soon as I got into the parking of a supermarket, I heard a small kitten crying loudly. Of course I went to check and I found some people trying take out a kitten who entered at a car’s engine. The car belonged to a man who was in a hurry so everything had to be done fast.

The problem was that the kitten was so scared and he was hiding so well that nobody could reach her. After half an hour of trying she got out but she was so fast and run immediately under another parked car and climbed again the engine area. In the mean time I was brought a trap cage. It was Sunday, everyone was out for shopping, so many people, loud noises, all these things weren’t helpful at all. There were a few times when she almost entered the trap but always someone was passing by and she was getting scared again and hiding under the cars. I waited, and waited, for more than two hours and she didn’t enter the trap. It was obviously she was exhausted… In the end I managed to catch her by hand, when she was finally hiding under a hood in a place that I could reach. First I grabbed her tail, then her back legs, that was the moment she she bit me but I just couldn’t let her go and I finally managed to safely place her in a cage. There were also other people involved who surrounded the car, we also placed shopping carts around the car and this way we did it, we saved the poor kitten.

I ended up at the hospital making the tetanus vaccine. She didn’t bite me so badly but still this was needed to be done.

So look at her now, I have no idea how she got there. I can handle her but she is still scared and hissing me. It was a big trauma for her all this experience so I will have to work a little with her to help her gain her trust in humans. But she is still very young so this should happen fast.

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