Bryce Dallas Howard Says Father Ron Tried on ‘Hellish’ Grinch Costume After Jim Carrey Trained to ‘Withstand Torture’ for Role

In a recent interview on The Graham Norton Show, Bryce Dallas Howard shared some behind-the-scenes details about the making of the holiday classic, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." Bryce revealed that her father, Ron Howard, who directed the film, set a great example for her as a young aspiring actress.

During the interview, Bryce mentioned that Jim Carrey, who played the Grinch, had to endure a lot of stress and discomfort while getting his makeup done for the role. In fact, Carrey collaborated with a Navy SEAL to train him on how to withstand torture, that's how intense it was. Impressed by Carrey's dedication, Ron Howard showed his support by wearing Carrey's entire Grinch outfit to set one day.

Ron Howard's gesture was meant to show Carrey that he understood the physical and mental toll the role took on him. It was his way of showing solidarity and empathy towards his lead actor. The conversation prompted laughter from fellow guest Bryan Cranston, who is also in Bryce's new film, "Argylle."

Carrey has previously spoken about the challenges of playing the Grinch, including the eight-and-a-half hours it took for the makeup application. He even shared that he initially wanted to quit the film but was persuaded to continue by producer Brian Grazer. Carrey ultimately endured the process, which included changing his lifestyle, eating everything he saw, and even punching himself in the leg.

Despite the difficulties faced by Carrey, Howard, and the rest of the cast and crew, their efforts paid off. "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" became a beloved holiday classic and grossed $346 million worldwide. The film remains a testament to the dedication and commitment of those involved in its creation.

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