🌿🧅 DIY Onion Oil for Hair Growth: Step-by-Step Guide for Thicker, Healthier Hair! 🌿💫

Onion oil is a popular remedy for addressing hair loss and promoting hair growth. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to make onion oil at home effectively.

To begin with, peel and chop one large onion and blend it into a smooth paste. Next, extract the onion juice by straining the paste using a muslin cloth or a fine sieve. It is recommended to extract as much juice as possible to ensure effectiveness.

Take 3-4 tablespoons of any carrier oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil, and heat it in a pan. Once the oil is heated, add the onion juice to the pan, stir well, and let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes. The heat helps to infuse the onion's nutrients into the oil.

After simmering, turn off the heat and let the oil cool completely. Once cooled, strain the oil again to remove any onion remnants. Transfer the oil to a clean container and it is ready for use.

This homemade onion oil can be used in multiple ways. Massage it into the scalp and hair, ensuring full coverage. Leave it on for at least an hour or overnight for better results. It is advisable to use this oil 2-3 times a week consistently to see noticeable changes in hair fall reduction and hair regrowth.

In conclusion, making onion oil at home is a simple and effective way to address hair fall and promote hair regrowth. With regular use, this natural remedy can help improve the overall health and thickness of hair.

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