Unveiling Steve Harvey's Hidden Desire: DL Hughley's Insight on Bernie Mac's Disappearance

Comedian and television personality D.L. Hughley recently shared his thoughts on the alleged tension between Steve Harvey and the late Bernie Mac. Speaking on his radio show, Hughley claimed that Harvey secretly wanted Mac gone from their original "Kings of Comedy" tour.

According to Hughley, Harvey felt threatened by Mac's talent and popularity. He believed that Harvey wanted to be the sole star of the tour and saw Mac as competition. Hughley pointed out that Harvey even suggested removing Mac from the tour altogether.

Hughley's comments shed light on the rumored rivalry between the two comedians. Although they appeared to have a friendly relationship on the surface, there was an underlying tension that stemmed from Harvey's desire for complete control and success.

The "Kings of Comedy" tour was a highly successful venture, showcasing the talents of four renowned African American comedians, including Hughley, Harvey, Mac, and Cedric the Entertainer. However, Harvey's alleged animosity towards Mac suggests that he may have felt threatened by Mac's rising popularity.

As an integral part of the comedy community, Hughley's insights provide a glimpse into the dynamics and power struggles that exist within the industry. While it is unfortunate that this tension existed, it serves as a reminder that even colleagues can have hidden agendas and rivalries. Despite this, the "Kings of Comedy" tour remains a cherished memory for fans of these talented comedians.

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