So Cute! Shelter’s Longest Resident Refuses To Leave Her Collection Of ‘Stuffies’ Behind.

Waffle adored the RACC staff's pats and cuddles, but she soon developed a new interest at the shelter: stuffies, or soft toys. When brought inside the office of RACC director Christie Peters, Waffle first saw toy animals. As she arrived, there were several stuffed animals waiting for her. She cared deeply about them. She moved the items from the other office by moving across the hallway. Peters alleged, "She brought them back to my room so she could have more."

She frequently received her favorite plush animals from Waffle. Waffle was lounging in her crib and interacting with the toys. She always had one or more toys with her when she got out of bed. She brought her toys back inside after taking her toys outside to use the restroom.She cherished a red bone like a stuffed toy. He was second, although she occasionally fell over his dangling legs. 

She didn't want us to take them; she just wanted them delivered to us. All she asked was that we admire her beautiful stuffed animals, which we gladly did. Peters said that we were just audience members to what seemed to be a daily Waffle Sizzli show. After spending three months in the shelter, Waffle Sizzli was adopted after three months. When her new owner saw a video of her interacting with her stuffed animals, he was immediately won over.

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