"Saddest Cat" Finds His Smile After Nine Months of Waiting for His Purrfect Home.

A ginger cat who had the most sorrowful eyes on his face and a difficult life filled with tribulation and pain, was turned around by love. After a long time waiting, he finally found his smile!

Meet Nutmeg!

Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester

A five-year-old ginger cat found his way into the arms of his rescuers at but he was emaciated, scared for his life and needed a lot of help and TLC.

"For a while, it seemed as though Nutmeg might have been the saddest cat in the world. He came to Lollypop Farm in September of 2016 as a thin stray with a serious nasal infection and a perpetually sad face. ," the rescue group told Love Meow.

The ginger feline fought against all the unpredictability living in the wild and survived, but he was left with permanent sadness on his face.

Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester

"His ears were tattered, and his face bore the evidence of a difficult life," said.

The road to recovery was long, but everyone at Lollipop Farm was in it to help the little sweet guy get back on his paws. He spent some time in an administrative office getting care from the staff who also helped him learn to trust and love again.

Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester

When Nutmeg was well enough, he hung out with other rescue kitties in the cat adoption center to learn to socialize before heading to a foster home.

It was then Nutmeg began the wait for his forever human who would love that sad little face with all their hearts and give him a chance for a better life.

Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester

After months of waiting, a young couple and Nutmeg's paths crossed...

"This past weekend, Nutmeg found his perfect family after waiting almost nine months. A young couple who noticed his special face, and fell in love with his adorable personality," Lollipop Farm told Love Meow.

Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester

"My girlfriend dragged me into Lollipop Farm after seeing him online! I definitely fell in love with his face at first sight, how can you not," Tyler Stadt told Love Meow.

After a few back scratches, Nutmeg started purring up a storm as if he was telling Tyler that he was ready to go home with them.

Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester

"He's doing great, he adapted very quickly and loves getting pets in his favorite spot on the couch and purring," Tyler told Love Meow. "He is definitely one of the most laid back cats I've ever met with a little bit of a playful side and I wouldn't change it for the world."

Nutmeg's sad eyes will probably stay forever, but the little guy is sad no more. He has found his forever home, and now, he's the happiest he can be!

"Once the saddest cat in the shelter, Nutmeg now had the teeniest, sweetest smile," Lollipop Farm told Love Meow.

Nutmug has found his smile! :)Supplied by Tyler Stadt


Look at that smile :)

Tyler Stadt

Nutmeg is happy and loved!

Tyler Stadt

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