This Homeless Kitten Has a lot to Say Not Only Finds Someone to Help Him But Also a Cat to Spend His Life with

A kitten who had a lot to say, not only found someone to help him, but also a cat to spend his life with.

A stray kitten was found wandering the street alone, needing a foster home. , a veterinary technician, learned about him through , and immediately offered to help.

The kitten was very dirty, underweight and had some stomach issues. Despite it all, he was thrilled to have a roof over his head, a person to cater to him, and a comfy bed to sleep in.

"He was very talkative and so happy to be safe inside," Erica told Love Meow.

Erica named the kitten Tank, and he came with a big voice and a big personality in a tiny body. After two weeks of good food, great care, Tank was nursed back to health, and his energy level went through the roof.

He constantly wanted a buddy to wrestle with, and would pounce on anything that moved, including Erica's feet.

Once he was healthy, Erica brought in her most trusty assistants, her resident cats Sloane and Forest. Sloane immediately took the boisterous youngling under his wing and put him in his place.

Tank wanted to antagonize Sloane but was quickly met with a lesson about boundaries.

Sloane masterfully wrapped his arms around the kitten and forced him down for a grooming session. "Tank goes in for the attack, and winds up getting a bath from Sloane."

Tank was playful and inquisitive, and tried to mimic the big kitties. "He loved hanging out with them, and they taught him manners."

Tank was a busy body, always in motion, plotting his next antic. When he discovered a cardboard box, he hopped right in and could entertain himself for hours.

It was a rare moment of tranquility, when he tuckered out from all the roughhousing.

The scrawny little stray blossomed into a happy, healthy, rambunctious young cat. "He's a very smart kitten and would bring a lot of fun to any home."

Even though he had two feline mentors to show him the ropes, Tank still liked to "scream" at his foster mom for attention. Some things never change.

About a month after he arrived, Tank went up for adoption. Day after day, he patiently waited for the perfect family to come his way. Another few weeks went by, and a wonderful family reached out for him.

Carley came across Tank on social media and fell in love with the little dynamo. She had a big tabby cat named Jasper who was seeking a friend, and she thought Tank would be the perfect fit.

On the day of their meet, Tank pulled out all the stops and won everyone over. He officially graduated from foster care and into his forever loving home.

Tank made himself right at home with his new family, and couldn't wait to hang out with Jasper. They were going to do a slow introduction, but Tank and Jasper had other plans.

The two hit it off immediately as if they had always been family.

Now, Tank has a best friend to wrestle and nap with every day and night. They watch bird TV together and do many things as a duo.

Tank and Jasper are creating lots of beautiful memories with their loving humans. "He's the best addition to my little family," Carley said.

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