"Hero" Lab HANGING BY A THREAD! Saving His Teenage Human Brother's Life From Rattlesnake !

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A dog is the most loyal friend you can have. They are always willing to step up and protect you, even when it means putting themselves in harm’s way. That’s what one hero dog proved recently, after he bravely saved his teenage owner from a rattlesnake, even if it meant getting bit himself.

Alex Loredo, an 18-year-old from Harbison Canyon, California, is the owner of a Labrador retriever named Marley. He first got the dog to help him lose weight after experiencing health issues, and the two have been best friends ever since

And he was especially lucky to have Marley by his side last month, when the teen ran into serious danger.

He told KGTV that he heard a “big rattle” while outside his home… and was suddenly face-to-face with a foot-and-a-half-long rattlesnake.Alex says he “freaked out” and was bracing for a serious snake bite… until Marley came to the rescue.

“But before I could even turn, Marley had ran between us,” Alex recalled. “Marley basically pushed me out of the way. He barks a few time at the snake.”Unfortunately, Marley’s bravery meant putting himself in danger, and the snake bit him twice, on his tongue and neck. Alex quickly returned the favor, rushing to save his dog’s life from the venom.

“There was blood everywhere and Marley just collapsed to the ground crying in pain,” Alex wrote. “I panicked and took him to the nearest veterinarian which was five miles away.”

“I was so scared and tried to keep my cool and think fast because time was not on our side.”

Marley was taken to a pet hospital 25 miles away, and given two vaccines for the venom. He had to stay at the hospital for days, and vets were worried they might have to amputate his tongue.

Thankfully, Marley survived intact and has been since released from the hospital, and back to his very grateful owner.

“If it wasn’t for Marley, I would have been bitten, and would have been really bad,” Alex told KGTV. “Marley is a hero. He’s my best friend. I don’t know what I would do without him.”

Marley’s surgeries cost Alex a significant amount of money out-of-pocket, but he was happy to pay it to save his best friend’s life. But thankfully, the costs have been recuperated thanks to donations from GoFundMe. The fundraising page has surpassed its $8,000 goal.

Marley is a true hero. It just goes to show how loyal and protective dogs can be to their owners. We’re so glad he’s doing well now!

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