10 Things Henry Cavill’s Highlander Reboot Needs To Get Right After Multiple Movie Failures

Henry Cavill's upcoming Highlander reboot has the opportunity to revive the cult action saga while avoiding the franchise's past mistakes. The original film, despite its flaws, was an enjoyable adventure with a great soundtrack. To ensure the success of the reboot, it should steer clear of Highlander 2's terrible origin plot, which revealed the immortals to be aliens. Instead, the film should maintain the mystery surrounding their origins. Another necessary change would be to cast an actual Egyptian actor as Ramírez, MacLeod's mentor, as Sean Connery did not fit the role. 

The new Highlander must also reinvent sword-fighting action in the same way John Wick did for gunplay, offering audiences swordfights they have never seen before. It should avoid the conclusive ending of the original film to allow for future sequels and spinoffs. Furthermore, the reboot should keep the iconic Queen songs that are an essential part of the franchise's identity. The new film should redeem the awful Highlander sequels by recycling their good ideas while distancing itself from their flaws. Additionally, it would be fitting to include a Christopher Lambert cameo as a tribute to the original film. 

The remake should drop the original film's boring detective story subplot and commit to a hard R-rating to fully explore the violent nature of the premise. Lastly, the Kurgan should be established as MacLeod's ultimate nemesis and appear as a recurring threat throughout the franchise.

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