Each Morning A Kind Mail Carrier Brings Joy To The Cat Who Is His Biggest Fann

This particular postal worker delivers something much more warmly accepted in addition to the collection of mail, bills, and goods he regularly leaves off each day along his route. He makes Zeppelin, a gorgeous cat, happy. About a year ago, Zeppelin came to discover a recurring event at home. Every morning, around the same time, a man dressed in blue would arrive outside the front door and slip mail through the mail slot — papery playthings Zeppelin grew fond of pawing at.

The mailman, realizing Zeppelin had made a game of his daily deliveries, began making that moment all the more fun for him. And from there, an adorable friendship blossomed.

"Zeppelin waits by the window, and when he sees the mailman coming down the street, he gets so excited and runs to the door!" Marisa Jaffe, Zeppelin's owner, told The Dodo. "Highlight of his morning, for sure!" Here's video of Zeppelin and the mailman in action:

When the mailman arrives with his deliveries, artfully placed with Zeppelin in mind, the cat gets a big, happy boost. "Zeppelin is as feisty and playful as he seems," Jaffe said. This particular postal worker delivers something much more warmly accepted in addition to the collection of mail, bills, and goods he regularly leaves off each day along his route. He makes Zeppelin, a gorgeous cat, happy.

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