A Newborn Aardvark Has Been Born At Chester Zoo For The First Time In Its 90-Year History!

Chester Zoo overjoyed as it celebrates birth of its first ever Aardvark…!

Congratulations on the safe arrival of this beautiful precious.treasure. 💚 Fantastic news it’s so cute in an ugly sort of way!! Congratulations Chester zoo!!!

Conservationists discovered the new arrival snuggled up with its eight-year-old mum Oni and six-year-old dad Koos after it had been born overnight on January 4. The calf, born with large droopy ears, hairless wrinkled skin and giant claws, is currently being hand-reared every evening by zookeepers who are providing dedicated care, feeding the baby every few hours through the night for around five weeks, to help it gain strength.

Staff have nicknamed the youngster Dobby due to its resemblance to the much-loved Harry Potter character. Aardvarks are native in sub-Saharan Africa where they are [thre.ate.ned] by habitat as a result of agricultural development, which also bring them into con.flict with local farmers. They are also hun.ted for their

The nocturnal animals use their long noses and keen sense of smell to sniff out ants and termites, which they lap up with a long tongue measuring up to 25cm, covered in sticky saliva. They use their powerful claws to tear open termite mounds, as well as to dig underground burrows in which they sleep.

This is the very first aardvark to be born at the zoo and so it’s a momentous landmark. Congratulations on your special birth! 👏 He is precious!❤️💐 🥳

Aardvarks are quite sec.retive creatures, which are mostly only ever active in darkness, and so some aspects of how they go about their lives remain relatively unknown. Caring for species like aardvarks in zoos enables us to learn more about them – how they live, their beh.aviours and their biology.

So amazing how a baby loves its mama from the start. This new calf joins a conservation breeding programme that only a handful of zoos are part of globally. Wonderful & pray it will NOT be the last! Our Globe is in a difficult time, we must do what we can,💕💕🙏 to SAVE OUR PLANET !!!

Congrats keep a beady eye on this wee pet. !! Know mums by his side bless them. 🤗 baby!!! CONGRATULATIONS to the Zoo staff…veterinarians…anyone else who might have been involved with this little miracle!!! ❤️💕💕

God bless these wonderful ambassadors of their species. ❤ Welcome to the world, little one! 🙏🙏🙏

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