Celebrate Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's 20th anniversary with their most loved up moments!

and are at it again. The country superstars are still clearly starry-eyed over each other, as another run of sexy vacation pictures proves.

The couple are celebrating 20 years of marriage this year, and they must have had one great vacation trip to mark the occasion. They've been back and forth via social media, starting with McGraw of Hill's legs to . They also sneaked pictures of each other from behind and posted them online, and over the past few days they've started up again.

Hill posted several shots to her , one of which captures the couple strolling along, with McGraw's hand casually resting on his wife's backside. There's also a shirtless shot of her chiseled husband following her down the beach, and another where McGraw is cliff-diving.

McGraw also shared a couple of bikini shots of his 49-year-old wife, who still looks as beautiful as ever, as well as one of the sun-soaked couple from behind.

McGraw recently shared what he's learned over 20 years of marriage in an interview with , saying listening comes first.

“And I’ve also learned,” he said, “that when you look at politics and you look at the world we live in and everything else, there’s really no definite answers to anything. There’s a lot of sort of figuring your way out with every move that you make. I think that you find that out as you get older and that really has to do with relationships, as well.”

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