10 Reasons to Adopt a Senior Cat

Older cats make great pets too! If you're considering adopting a kitten, think about adopting a senior cat instead. These cats are often overlooked at animal shelters and struggle to find permanent homes, regardless of how long that may be. In this video, we introduce you to Jack-Jack, a mature gentleman who we cared for at Big Cat Rescue from 2010 to 2014. Jack-Jack loved to tease the other cats, big and small, at the sanctuary where he had the freedom to roam. He would playfully stalk their enclosures until they charged at him, only to turn his back and nonchalantly walk away. Everyone who met him couldn't help but smile. During the time when we were dating, Jack-Jack would walk me to my car at the end of the evening with Chris. He just wanted to say goodbye and make sure I got home safely. Or maybe he was protecting Chris on his way back? When we moved in together at the sanctuary, Jack-Jack became Cole's big brother. He taught Cole all the essentials of being a cat. We always knew that senior cats have a hard time finding homes at shelters. That's why we decided to use Jack-Jack's affectionate nature to show how amazing it can be to adopt an older cat!

Here are our top 10 reasons to consider adopting a senior cat:

1. What you see is what you get - With kittens, you never know how they'll turn out, but senior cats have developed personalities that won't surprise you.

2. They are often content to relax with you - Having a senior cat is much less demanding than having a playful kitten in the house.

3. Even though they are calmer, they still love to exercise and play with their humans.

4. They seem to understand that you saved them and show gratitude towards you.

5. Unlike kittens, older cats have learned not to chew on everything, saving their energy for more important things like resting.

6. They are already litter trained, so there's very little additional training needed.

7. Senior cats are experts at grooming and keeping themselves clean.

8. They know that toys are for biting, not humans, which means you can walk through your house without being pounced on by an overly enthusiastic kitten.

9. For many senior cats, adoption may be their last chance as they often spend their remaining years in shelters.

10. By adopting or fostering an older cat, you can bring mutual love and a zest for life into your home.

*Jack-Jack peacefully passed away in 2017 at the age of 22. He spent his final years in a loving home with dedicated caregivers. Rest in peace, dear friend. You will forever be in our hearts.*

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