Jaden Smith Refuses to 'Label' Himself as 'Human': 'I'm a Unique Entity'

Jaden Smith has always been known for his puzzling and confusing tweets. People have often found it difficult to understand the meaning behind his seemingly random thoughts. However, it turns out that there is actually a deeper reasoning behind these tweets.

In an interview with Huffington Post, the 20-year-old actor and musician revealed the thoughts behind some of his most iconic tweets. He admitted that criticism has caused him to become more reserved on social media platforms.

“Yes, it has. That’s a significant change,” Smith said. “Occasionally, I might go wild on Twitter and say some crazy stuff, but that has altered my relationship with Twitter and social media.”

Let's take a closer look at the explanations behind some of his famous tweets.

One recent tweet left fans puzzled and wondering about its meaning. However, Smith has a very simple explanation.

“That’s true!” he exclaimed. “I refuse to be categorized as a human. Why should humans dictate what I should or should not do? Why should I conform to societal norms? I am my own unique being.”

Another tweet that created a lot of buzz was this classic. While many people were confused about its meaning, Smith based it on a study he had read about perception.

“This tweet is based on a study conducted by a scientist. According to them, the way our eyes perceive reality is not an accurate representation of what actually exists,” he explained to Huffington Post. “Our eyes can only perceive three primary colors, but there is so much more on the electromagnetic spectrum of light that we are incapable of seeing. This realization made me understand that what we see every day is not the complete truth. It's just the information our eyes are able to process.”

Even Smith himself admitted that there are moments when he doesn't even know the true meaning behind his own tweets.

“That specific tweet? Honestly, I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote that one,” Smith confessed.

In conclusion, Jaden Smith's tweets may often leave us scratching our heads, but they actually have a deeper meaning behind them. He uses Twitter as a platform to challenge societal norms and provoke thoughts about perception. While his tweets may be confusing at times, they are a reflection of his unique perspective on the world around him.

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