Will Smith confronts James Corden over live TV humiliation: a bold clash of stars.

Will Smith recently confronted James Corden for an embarrassing moment that occurred on live television. The incident took place during an appearance on "The Late Late Show with James Corden" where Corden had the actor participate in a segment called "Carpool Karaoke."

Smith was unhappy with how he was portrayed in the segment and expressed his frustration to Corden. He believed that Corden had humiliated him on national television by making him sing and dance to his own songs in front of a live audience. Smith felt that the segment did not accurately represent his true talent and credibility as an actor and artist.

During their conversation, Smith confronted Corden about the incident and aired his grievances. He explained that he felt it was important for him to address the issue directly and have an open and honest conversation with Corden.

Corden, taken aback by Smith's reaction, listened to his concerns and acknowledged his feelings. He expressed his regret for any discomfort or humiliation he may have caused Smith and assured him that it was not his intention to make him feel that way. Corden also emphasized that he had tremendous respect for Smith and his work.

The conversation between Smith and Corden seemed to offer both parties an opportunity to clear the air and move forward. While Smith acknowledged that he appreciated Corden's apology, he also emphasized the importance of respect and understanding when it comes to crafting comedy bits. Corden, on the other hand, expressed his commitment to learning from the situation and ensuring that future segments would be more considerate and sensitive to his guests' preferences.

Overall, the article highlights how Smith confronted Corden about his feelings of humiliation and how both parties addressed the situation in a respectful manner, with the aim of better understanding one another's perspectives.

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