A Man Doesn't Know He Needs a Cat Now Becomes a Full-fledged Cat Dad!

A cat with a bobtail was ready to settle down indoors. He chose a guy who didn't know he needed a cat.

A dilute orange cat named Archie had lived as a scrappy tomcat for most of his life. After many years braving the streets and fending for himself, he was finally ready to settle down.

With the help of animal rescuers, he came around and embarked on a new chapter. Exploits Valley SPCA took him into their care with open arms. He was all cleaned up and received proper medical attention.

"There's just nothing better than a tough tomcat with a wild past who's ready to settle down and be a spoiled house kitty," Exploits Valley SPCA shared.

Archie was "a man about town" who had been wandering outside, fathering kittens, and getting into all sorts of scuffles with other cats.

The tabby boy came with a bobtail and was eager to be loved. He was nursed back to health and healed from the battle wounds he'd gotten from the street life. In no time, he began to revel in the company of people.

"He's estimated to be a middle-aged fellow. This adorable big beige bunny cat would love to snuggle and be spoiled," Exploits Valley SPCA added.

After getting neutered and fully vetted, Archie was ready to find a place of his own. He greeted every staff member or volunteer he came across while he patiently waited for the perfect family to find him.

Archie always put on his best face, vying for attention and head scritches. He would rub against every visitor and melt into their hands, hoping that this would be the day that he goes home.

About two months after he was put up for adoption, Archie's dream came true. He met his human dad, David, who never knew he needed a cat until they crossed paths.

David who once said that "he did not want a cat", had his mind completely changed when Ozzy nuzzled his way into his heart. The bobtailed tabby extended his kneady paw on David one day, and the rest is history.

Ozzy quickly made himself comfortable in his new home, in David's arms, as he stretched out his toe beans in bliss and purred himself to sleep.

David who never expected he would have a cat, is now a full-fledged cat dad, with his tabby boy tagging along with him around the house. They hang out on the couch together, and Ozzy insists on being held by his person.

Ozzy has blossomed into quite the cuddle-bug. He offers the best bear hugs and plenty of smooches.

It's hard to believe that Ozzy was once a tough tomcat weathering the wild life. Now, he turns into mush whenever he's with his people, and adores being cradled like a baby.

The sweet tabby is living the best life with the family of his dreams. "Ozzy has made David into the cat dad he's always dreamed of."

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