Big Reunite! Firefighters Rescue Truck Driver’s Puppy from Storm Drain, Reunite Her with Owner

Trixie is now safe and sound and had a sweet reunion with her owner ❤️

Sometimes animals get stuck in some pretty tricky places and need a little human help getting free. That was the case recently after firefighters saved a dog from a drain system — leading to a sweet reunion with her owner.

The story was shared by Cobby County Fire & Emergency Services in Cobb County, Georgia. A dog named Trixie, who travels alongside her truck driver owner, decided to explore an unfamiliar area after the two stopped at a pit stop. Unfortunately, she ended up falling 12 feet into a storm sewer system.

We can only imagine how terrified the owner must have been, seeing his beloved traveling companion trapped like that. But thankfully, help was soon on the way.

Crews from Cobb County Fire’s Engine 9C and Squad 7C arrived and began a rescue operation. They dropped an air monitoring device and set up a rope system, allowing them to lower a firefighter into the drain system.

Thankfully, the mission was a success, and the department say that poor Trixie was “happy to be rescued” and came right to the firefighter, and the two were then “hoisted out of the hole.”

“After a quick visit to the vet, we hear that Trixie is a little banged up, but she will be okay,” Cobby County Fire wrote.

A photo shows the moment Trixie reunited with her owner, who was no doubt very relieved to have her back in his arms, safe and sound: After sharing the story on social media, many people thanked the fire crew for their quick actions to save Trixie.

“Awesome job CCFD and all who helped reunite Trixie with her owner!” one person wrote. “That poor baby!! So glad they were able to save her!! Looks like dad had a rough day too!” another commented.

Dogs mean so much to people, and we’re sure that as his travel companion this truck driver loves his dog a lot — it must’ve been scary to lose Trixie like that. But thankfully, the firefighters were able to reunite them!

please share this heartwarming story! ❤️🐾

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