The Unending Longing: Justin Bieber's Heartache and His Inescapable Yearning for Selena Gomez

In a recent reveal, Justin Bieber shared the reasons behind his inability to move on from his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, expressing how much he misses her. The Canadian pop star opened up about his feelings during an Instagram Live session. Bieber admitted that despite being married to Hailey Baldwin, he still thinks about Gomez and has not completely let go of their relationship.

The "Sorry" singer acknowledged that his emotions towards Gomez are complicated, stating that she was his first real love and that their relationship had a significant impact on him. Bieber expressed his regret over the way things ended and how he handled the aftermath, mentioning that he was quite reckless during that period. Although he has since found happiness with Baldwin, his past with Gomez still lingers in his heart.

The Grammy-winning artist shared that his song "Ghost" from his latest album, "Justice," was heavily influenced by his feelings towards Gomez. He admitted that he wanted to be honest about his emotions and convey the pain he experienced after their breakup. Bieber hopes that by addressing his unresolved feelings, he can finally move forward and fully commit to his marriage with Baldwin.

Bieber's confession has gained attention from fans who have been following his love life closely. Many sympathize with him, but also emphasize the importance of letting go of past relationships in order to find true happiness. Despite his lingering feelings, Bieber's honesty highlights the complexity of moving on from a deep connection and learning to prioritize his present.

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