Will Smith's Powerful Performance in 'Emancipation' Fuels Oscar Buzz, Affirms Affion Crockett

Actor and comedian Affion Crockett believes that Will Smith deserves Oscar recognition for his upcoming film "Emancipation." Crockett expressed his opinion during an interview with TMZ. The movie, directed by Antoine Fuqua, tells the gripping story of a runaway slave named Peter, played by Smith, who documents his harrowing journey to freedom.

Crockett stated that Smith's performance in "Emancipation" is truly deserving of an Oscar nomination. He praised the actor's commitment and dedication to the role, noting that Smith has always been able to transport audiences with his performances, and this film is no exception. Crockett also explained that Smith's ability to encapsulate the emotions and experiences of the character is what sets him apart from other actors.

Crockett emphasized the historical significance of the film, highlighting the importance of shedding light on the brutal realities of slavery. He believes that it is necessary to educate and remind people about this dark chapter in history so that future generations can learn from it.

Crockett expressed his hope that the Academy recognizes Smith's outstanding performance and the film's overall impact. He believes that "Emancipation" has the potential to make a significant mark in the film industry and spark important conversations about race and injustice.

Overall, Crockett's statement suggests that Will Smith's portrayal in "Emancipation" is Oscar-worthy, given the film's compelling story, Smith's exceptional performance, and its ability to shed light on a crucial period in history.

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