A Critic’s Review of Days of our Lives: Playing the Beats

Days of our Lives has recently been focusing on characters delving into their pasts, which has provided deeper and richer storytelling. EJ mentioned a time when he was down and out and recovering at a facility, paralleling Holly's current situation. Eric brought up his drunk driving accident that killed Daniel while talking to Theresa. This exploration of their histories has added depth to the show and has been satisfying for viewers.

On the other hand, Alex's attitude towards Justin has been negative and unjustified. While Alex explained that he's taking out his pain and anger on Justin, it was unfair for him to ice Justin out of Tate's case. However, when Alex himself faced the same treatment, it was somewhat satisfying.

Stephanie and Jada's friendship has not been adequately developed on the show. They have had a few scenes together, but there are also long periods of time where they don't interact at all. This lack of investment in their friendship makes it difficult for viewers to feel anything when they eventually resolve their issues.

Brady is going through a tough time, feeling like a bad parent due to his past choices. The show is highlighting his absenteeism with Tate after he left to be with Theresa. Kristen is preventing him from seeing his daughter, Rachel, which is a decision that viewers don't understand. Brady's struggles and pain are palpable, and viewers can relate to his situation.

There are some storylines that viewers would like to see progressed more quickly, such as the one involving Konstantin, John, and Steve. This story is supposed to delve into John's past as the "Pawn," and fans are eager to see it unfold. Additionally, while Paulina and Abe's drama is engaging, the potential health storyline involving Paulina's husband's amnesia is becoming overwhelming. Viewers would like to see Paulina assert herself as Salem's first Black female mayor.

Overall, Days of our Lives is providing intriguing character development through exploration of past histories. However, there are also some aspects of the show that fans would like to see improved or addressed more quickly.

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