Cat With Severe Stomatitis Was Living On The Streets

A few weeks ago I was notified about a male cat who was living on the streets and who had pain in his mouth while he was eating. A very loving black cat, about 4 years old. Someone took the cat at the vet for a check and he has severe stomatitis. He received some injections and he was returned back on the streets.

Of course when I heard about his situation I took him immediately in my care. A cat with this affection can’t live as a stray. He needs a real home, he needs a clean place, also to be checked by a vet often for his situation to be kept under control. The type of stomatitis that he has is a specific type of gingivitis or gum inflammation that occurs in cats. Cats with this affection need treatments maybe for their entire life. His mouth doesn’t look so well and soon he will have his teeth to be cleaned by the vet. He started some treatments and I hope his situation will improve soon.

He is eating well, he receives mostly wet food that he can eat easy but sometimes he is eating dry food also. For the moment he is sharing the foster room with the other cats and kittens that I care for until they will all get adopted.

He is a very sweet boy, extremely loving and so grateful he has a shelter and good food. He accustomed well with the other cats and he can stay here in the foster room until he will find a human to accept his the way he is and to offer him all the love that he deserves.

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