Why Austin Butler Drank Häagen-Dazs Like Ryan Gosling for 'Elvis'

Austin Butler reveals that he channeled Ryan Gosling's character in the movie 'La La Land' to prepare for his role as Elvis Presley in the upcoming biopic. He specifically focused on an iconic scene in which Gosling's character, Sebastian, passionately eats ice cream by the sea.

In an interview, Butler explained that he found Gosling's performance in the film to be incredibly inspiring. He admired the way Gosling could convey so much emotion and depth through a seemingly simple action like eating ice cream. Butler felt that this scene perfectly captured the essence of his own character, Elvis, and he wanted to bring that same level of passion to his own performance.

To truly understand and emulate Gosling's performance, Butler studied the scene meticulously. He analyzed every aspect, from Gosling's facial expressions to his body language, trying to grasp the essence of the character.

One specific detail that caught Butler's attention was the brand of ice cream Gosling was eating, Häagen-Dazs. He noticed how Gosling's character seemed to genuinely enjoy the ice cream, savoring each bite. This made Butler realize that even the smallest details can have a big impact on a character's portrayal. He decided to incorporate this attention to detail into his own performance.

Butler admitted that he wasn't previously a fan of Häagen-Dazs, but he quickly became one during his preparations for the role. He began eating the ice cream daily leading up to filming, trying to become as comfortable and familiar with it as possible. He wanted to authentically portray Elvis's love for the treat.

By practicing this particular scene, Butler hoped to develop a deeper understanding of his character and bring a level of authenticity to his portrayal of Elvis. He believed that by going the extra mile and immersing himself in every aspect of the role, he could deliver a more compelling performance.

Overall, Austin Butler studied and channeled Ryan Gosling's performance in 'La La Land' to prepare for his role as Elvis Presley in the biopic. By focusing on a scene where Gosling passionately ate Häagen-Dazs ice cream, Butler learned the importance of paying attention to small details and fully immersing himself in his character. He hoped that by emulating Gosling's performance and developing this level of authenticity, he could bring a similar depth and emotion to his portrayal of Elvis.

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