A heartwarming TikTok video featuring two Maine coon cats, Mango and Hera, has captured the hearts of viewers. Mango, a year and a half old, experienced depression after his owners returned to work post-pandemic. Despite being in good physical health, Mango's loneliness prompted his owners to adopt Hera, a 9-month-old kitten. The heartwarming footage shows Mango and Hera bonding, with Mango's depression lifting and the two becoming inseparable.
The video's caption emphasizes the positive impact of getting a kitten for a depressed cat, highlighting Mango's increased energy and affection. The heartwarming transformation of the cats moved viewers, who expressed joy and admiration for their special bond. The original poster was deeply touched by comments suggesting that Mango and Hera's connection was meant to be, leading to tears of happiness.
代表者: 土屋千冬